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A Prayer In a Time of Sorrow

How to live with the sorrow?

Come Holy Spirit with your healing balm.

And may I receive it,

this balm of kindness and attention to my suffering:

A friend’s touch.

Reception of my tears.

A good joke reminding me that belly laughs heal.

May I stay in the moment enough to absorb the warmth of sunshine, the natural beauty

meeting my senses.

May I be present to the comfort of routine,

the fragrance of breakfast,

the smell of hot soup,

the taste of bread.

May I recognize Your Spirit reaching out to support mine in

music which moves into my soul and lets it know itself and be transformed.

Let me light these candles

and know that it is my hand lighting them.

I am alive.

Lead me to know my purpose now.

Move me from weeping to clarity of intent.

With this prayer I turn my face toward You.

Copyright © 2010 by Pat Hoffman. All Rights Reserved.

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